
Invisalign in Suwanee

Invisalign in Suwanee: 6 Tips in Finding the Best Provider

If you’re considering Invisalign in Suwanee, you’ll want to find the best provider for your needs. Invisalign is a great way to achieve straighter teeth without the use of metal braces. However, not all Invisalign providers are created equal. Here are some tips on how to find the best Invisalign provider for you: #1 – […]

benefits of Invisalign

Reap the Benefits of Invisalign®

If your teeth are crowded, spaced too far apart, or you have an overbite or underbite or almost any kind of misalignment, Invisalign may be just the orthodontic treatment you need. Not only can it improve your smile’s position and health, but it can also do so without the necessity for the metal brackets and […]


Benefits of Invisalign®

Malocclusion is defined as crooked teeth or a misaligned bite. If you have malocclusion, Dr. Steven Ricci may recommend Invisalign® in Johns Creek, Georgia to help you reach a straight smile. Invisalign Johns Creek residents want is a set of aligners that are designed specifically for your smile. They are worn over the teeth for […]

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. braces: What are the pros and cons of these two orthodontic treatments?  Ricci Orthodontics offers top-quality, convenient, and affordable custom Invisalign and braces for everyone in Johns Creek, Georgia, and surrounding areas. For over 16 years, we’ve been transforming smiles for all ages. Today, more adults than ever are getting started and seeing fantastic results. […]

doctor explains the different types of braces

The Different Types of Braces

Braces are no longer the bulky, painful appliances that once resulted in children sometimes being called “metal mouth.” Today, they provide the wearer with a more aesthetic appearance, with less pain and discomfort. The caring team at Ricci Orthodontics offers customized care for every member of the family. Why Does a Person Need Braces? People need braces […]

an example of a tray for orthodontics for teens and adults Invisalign

Orthodontics for Teens and Adults: Invisalign®

Several oral health care treatments can be employed to improve your smile, but in many cases, ideal oral hygiene routines such as brushing and flossing will not be enough to correct your smile if any form of rotations and malocclusions have occurred. If you have suffered rotations to your smile, you can help straighten and […]


Invisalign® Can Improve Your Smile Discreetly

While there is a link between how thumb sucking can negatively impact your oral health, there are ways to reverse these issues. For one, if you’re teeth are crooked from thumb sucking, Invisalign® can improve your smile discreetly. Have you discovered what Invisalign® can do for you? If not, our team here at Ricci Orthodontics […]


What to Know About Braces

If you are looking into getting braces, Ricci Orthodontics is glad to help you choose the best option for your situation. There are different braces for different needs, and one of the more popular brands of braces is Invisalign® clear plastic aligners. Invisalign has become popular because of the advantages they have over traditional metal […]
