
a woman getting a check up after learning about the benefits of orthodontics

Benefits of Orthodontics for Your Smile

Orthodontics is a valuable branch of dentistry that was formed to straighten crooked smiles. Georgia orthodontic treatment often features braces for your teeth as the star player. These are composed of stainless steel spacers for braces which attached to your teeth and are linked by an archwire. The orthodontist will tighten the archwire every six […]

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. braces: What are the pros and cons of these two orthodontic treatments?  Ricci Orthodontics offers top-quality, convenient, and affordable custom Invisalign and braces for everyone in Johns Creek, Georgia, and surrounding areas. For over 16 years, we’ve been transforming smiles for all ages. Today, more adults than ever are getting started and seeing fantastic results. […]

Foods to Eat With Braces

Foods to Eat With Braces Including Some Treats!

This time, we’re looking at foods to eat with braces. For more, please see our page here. While you wear braces, you can still enjoy many delicious options. By knowing which foods to avoid, you can help treatment go smoothly and more efficiently. Then, you’ll be ready to show off your dream smile. As a reward […]

doctor explains the different types of braces

The Different Types of Braces

Braces are no longer the bulky, painful appliances that once resulted in children sometimes being called “metal mouth.” Today, they provide the wearer with a more aesthetic appearance, with less pain and discomfort. The caring team at Ricci Orthodontics offers customized care for every member of the family. Why Does a Person Need Braces? People need braces […]

young man learning about straightening your smile the easy way

Straightening Your Smile the Easy Way

It has been said that nothing in life is easy. That may be true, but when it comes to aligning your teeth, the closest thing to easy is clear aligners. Clear aligners can help you straighten your teeth, with a minimum impact on your lifestyle. Learning about straightening your smile the easy way is simple with […]

young woman enjoying her ceramic braces

Care to Consider Ceramic Braces?

When it comes to orthodontic care, the most common service available is braces. However, when most think about braces, they recall the more traditional metal type. However, at Ricci Orthodontics, we don’t limit you to just one type of braces. We offer types of braces other than the traditional metal ones. If you would like, you […]

patient wearing lingual braces

Information About Lingual Braces

As an adult with upcoming orthodontic treatment, you may be hesitant about having braces placed. Braces can mar the appearance of your smile, thus having a negative effect on your confidence. Lingual Braces Ask Dr. Ricci about lingual braces. These braces have brackets that are attached to the backside of the teeth instead of to […]

young girl wearing traditional braces

Healthy Gums & Teeth with Traditional Braces

When it comes to adjusting the alignment of teeth, nothing beats using traditional braces. Orthodontists like Dr. Steven Ricci can install traditional braces to create a functional system for correcting misaligned teeth. With time and consistent adjustments, the orthodontic components can gradually provide you with a more appealing smile. Corrected teeth are also at reduced […]

young girl learns why do orthodontists tighten braces

Why Tighten Braces?

Do you feel like your periodic visits to the orthodontist are an inconvenience? Are you constantly wondering why do orthodontists tighten braces? While these appointments may seem unnecessary, they are actually crucial to the success and effectiveness of your braces. Without these appointments, your braces will fail to shift your teeth properly, making the process […]


Tooth Extraction and Orthodontics

Typically, children receive 20 primary teeth, and over time their mouths grow and the structures expand to accommodate 32 permanent teeth by the age of adulthood. Sometimes, the eruption of multiple teeth can cause issues. Eruptions in a tightly spaced mouth can put the bite pattern at risk of experiencing a fractured or chipped tooth. […]
