Category Archives: Services

woman using her Glo Science Pro-Whitening Kit

We Decide to #GetGloing for Two Weeks to See What Glo Science Has to Offer

At Ricci Orthodontics, the Glo Science Pro-Whitening Kit is one of our best sellers. You’ve probably seen quite a few of our social media posts bragging on the amazing benefits of this at-home whitening treatment. When inquiring about this kit in-office, you will encounter our orthodontic patient coordinator telling you all about what this treatment […]

examples of dental tools that professionals use

What Are Dental Tools?

One reason individuals tend to avoid the dentist or orthodontist is out of fear. When they enter the office, they come face to face with instruments that tend to appear more frightening than they are. To help calm your nerves, ask your dentist or orthodontist, what are dental tools and how do you use them? […]

female flossing but wondering why do my gums bleed while flossing

Why Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing?

There are a number of reasons your gums bleed when flossing. Often times it is a sign that you should change your dental care regimen. Flossing more frequently is just one example of what you may need to start doing to maintain oral care. It’s pretty common for gums to bleed when you first begin […]

Woman who has learned how to treat periodontitis

How to Treat Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a kind of gum infection that can quickly destroy the bones as well as the soft tissue that support the teeth. Once someone has periodontitis, they may also develop wiggly teeth or lose some of their teeth. Finding out how to treat periodontitis is one of the first things people should do if […]

Doctor explains to patient how to treat gingivitis

How to Treat Gingivitis

Ideally, most people should use prevention techniques instead of learning how to treat gingivitis. Unfortunately, this form of gum disease is extremely common. It can cause inflammation, redness, and irritation in the gums. Without the help of Ricci Orthodontics, gingivitis can lead to tooth loss and severe types of gum disease. What Happens With Gingivitis? […]

young woman enjoying her ceramic braces

Care to Consider Ceramic Braces?

When it comes to orthodontic care, the most common service available is braces. However, when most think about braces, they recall the more traditional metal type. However, at Ricci Orthodontics, we don’t limit you to just one type of braces. We offer types of braces other than the traditional metal ones. If you would like, you […]

an example of a tray for orthodontics for teens and adults Invisalign

Orthodontics for Teens and Adults: Invisalign®

Several oral health care treatments can be employed to improve your smile, but in many cases, ideal oral hygiene routines such as brushing and flossing will not be enough to correct your smile if any form of rotations and malocclusions have occurred. If you have suffered rotations to your smile, you can help straighten and […]

young man who learned how to have a good spring break with aligners

Orthodontics: How to Have a Good Spring Break With Your Aligners

Do you want to have a successful spring break that is loaded with fun times with family and friends? If so, then you probably want to avoid orthodontic problems with our aligners. If you’re not careful, you and your aligners can suffer the consequences, which can put a damper on your vacation. So, our orthodontist, […]

patient wearing lingual braces

Information About Lingual Braces

As an adult with upcoming orthodontic treatment, you may be hesitant about having braces placed. Braces can mar the appearance of your smile, thus having a negative effect on your confidence. Lingual Braces Ask Dr. Ricci about lingual braces. These braces have brackets that are attached to the backside of the teeth instead of to […]

young girl learns why do orthodontists tighten braces

Why Tighten Braces?

Do you feel like your periodic visits to the orthodontist are an inconvenience? Are you constantly wondering why do orthodontists tighten braces? While these appointments may seem unnecessary, they are actually crucial to the success and effectiveness of your braces. Without these appointments, your braces will fail to shift your teeth properly, making the process […]
