Category Archives: Oral Issues

female flossing but wondering why do my gums bleed while flossing

Why Do Your Gums Bleed When Flossing?

There are a number of reasons your gums bleed when flossing. Often times it is a sign that you should change your dental care regimen. Flossing more frequently is just one example of what you may need to start doing to maintain oral care. It’s pretty common for gums to bleed when you first begin […]

Woman who has learned how to treat periodontitis

How to Treat Periodontitis

Periodontitis is a kind of gum infection that can quickly destroy the bones as well as the soft tissue that support the teeth. Once someone has periodontitis, they may also develop wiggly teeth or lose some of their teeth. Finding out how to treat periodontitis is one of the first things people should do if […]

Doctor explains to patient how to treat gingivitis

How to Treat Gingivitis

Ideally, most people should use prevention techniques instead of learning how to treat gingivitis. Unfortunately, this form of gum disease is extremely common. It can cause inflammation, redness, and irritation in the gums. Without the help of Ricci Orthodontics, gingivitis can lead to tooth loss and severe types of gum disease. What Happens With Gingivitis? […]

young man learning about straightening your smile the easy way

Straightening Your Smile the Easy Way

It has been said that nothing in life is easy. That may be true, but when it comes to aligning your teeth, the closest thing to easy is clear aligners. Clear aligners can help you straighten your teeth, with a minimum impact on your lifestyle. Learning about straightening your smile the easy way is simple with […]

Patient learning Oral Healthcare In Review Proper Cleanings For Braces

Oral Health Care Year in Review: Proper Cleanings for Braces

When it comes to caring for your health, there are numerous components to keep track of. Overall, you must manage your mental, physical, and oral health to ensure you’re living at your very best. Then, among each subcategory, there are aspects to manage for optimal health. When it comes to your oral health, proper care […]

woman suffering from malocclusions or bad bites

General Information about Bad Bites

A bad bite refers to a misalignment that occurs within your mouth. When patients talk about having a bad bite, professionals know they’re talking about malocclusions. If you suffer from a bad bite, orthodontic services are required. Although numerous misalignment issues can be caused by your environment and life, many others are the result of […]

young woman suffering from Malocclusions or bad bites

How Well Do You Know Your Malocclusions?

How well do you know your malocclusions? Malocclusions, also known as “bad bites”, refer to misalignments and poor fits with your teeth and jaws. Malocclusions can be caused by a plethora of factors, many of which are out of your control and all require orthodontic services. Understanding the Types of Bad Bites For all the […]

young girl on the way to straighten your smile with a set of orthodontic braces

Straighten Your Smile with a Set of Orthodontic Braces

Are your teeth out of alignment or crooked beyond belief? Do you suffer from a multitude of malocclusions, which are bad bites in your smile caused by teeth out of position? If so, straighten your smile with a set of orthodontic braces. Not only will your teeth look better, but they will also function much […]

young girl experiencing an issue with her braces

Having an Issue with Your Braces?

Most likely while you are wearing braces you won’t experience issues. But on the occasion when something does go awry, do you know what to do? Today we are going to take a look at just a few issues that may pop up while you are aligning your smile. If something happens with your braces, we […]
