What To Expect at Your First Orthodontic Visist

During your first visit to our office, we enjoy showing you around, introducing you to the Ricci Orthodontic staff, and getting to know your concerns and goals for orthodontic treatment. At Ricci Orthodontics, we want you to feel free to explore our treatment options. For that reason, we make sure your first appointment is complimentary. Dr. Steven Ricci always welcomes the opportunity to show you what he can do with your smile. Our orthodontist will also explain the necessary procedures to achieve your desired smile. We want you to have the knowledge to make an informed decision about whether orthodontics is right for you.


When you first get to our office, one of our treatment coordinators will give you a tour of our office. Following this, a clinical assistant will take photographs and a panoramic screening X-ray of your or your child’s teeth. Then, you will begin your consultation with Dr. Steven Ricci. During this meeting, he will carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and let you know of any potential issues and related treatment options. Aware that your time is precious, this consultation will not last more than one hour and will include the creation of full diagnostic records so that we can develop your appropriate treatment plan.

During this same consultation, we will address any questions or concerns and discuss the following questions:

  • Do you have a condition that orthodontics can solve?
  • Is treatment necessary now or should treatment wait until appropriate growth, tooth eruption, or other factors take place?
  • What treatment procedures will be used to correct the problem?
  • Do any permanent teeth need to be removed?
  • How long will treatment take?
  • How much will it cost?
  • What are your payment options?


In some cases, it might be necessary for Dr. Steven Ricci to schedule a second appointment to speak with you after undergoing a more detailed analysis of your diagnostic records. As advocates of your care, we believe that it is crucial to analyze each patient’s individual needs carefully, knowing that in-depth planning leads to superior results and higher patient satisfaction.

We want our patients to have a clear understanding of their needs, what appliances we will use, how treatment will benefit them, and how long treatment should take. Furthermore, in the case of your child, if it is too early for treatment, he or she will be placed into our complementary growth guidance program, which includes periodic monitoring until real treatment is ready to begin. In fact, many children in our practice spent time in our growth guidance program and, as a result, saved time and money by catching any developing issues before they advanced.

Finally, to give you a more accurate estimate of your procedures and related costs, provide the following information:

  • Complete “new patient” paperwork, which you can submit through our website
  • Your orthodontics insurance information, should you have any
  • Any panoramic X-rays taken within the past six months

To plan your first visit at Ricci Orthodontics, contact us today by calling or texting 678-417-9848. We look forward to working with you to achieve your best smile yet.