
woman identifies retainers that are right for her

What Retainer is Right for You?

If you would like to realign your teeth–or keep them aligned–there are a few different treatment options. One of those options is to use retainers.  Retainers are normally used after braces have aligned your teeth, but they may also be used to adjust minor misalignments that have not been treated with braces in some cases.  Retainers are […]

a person inspecting a retainer wondering what are retainers for teeth

What Are Retainers for Teeth?

When we think of going to the orthodontist, most of us think of getting our teeth straightened using an apparatus like braces or Invisalign. But while teeth-straightening is the most visible part of the process, retainers are an enormously important part of the picture as well, even if we sometimes ignore them! But what are […]

example of clear tray to retain your straight smile

Retain Your Straight Smile

The time has come for your braces to be removed and you are excited! You’re ready to show the world your new, straight smile. You are also looking forward to having a healthier smile. You may be wondering, however, what comes after braces. How do you retain your straight smile? In most cases, our Dr. Steven […]
