oral hygiene

close up of dentist helping patient flossing with braces

Flossing with Braces

If you wear braces, you’ve already begun to invest in your dental health. But there’s more to maintaining a beautiful smile once you’re fitted. Flossing with braces is essential to keeping your teeth clean and strong through the duration of wearing the orthodontic device. Wearing Braces and What Happens When You Don’t Floss Every time […]

cleaning a retainer with a toothbrush after learning how to clean a retainer

Cleaning A Retainer

Cleaning and maintaining a retainer is a crucial part of wearing one. Now that your teeth are properly aligned thanks to your braces or Invisalign® treatment, wearing a retainer will keep them in alignment. But failing to clean your retainer can cause dental problems that would require further care and could possibly ruin the smile […]

fun pediatric oral hygiene Ricci Orthodontics

How to Make Oral Hygiene A Fun Experience for the Little Ones

It’s no secret that establishing a dental hygiene routine for your little one is no walk in the park. In fact, it’s one of the biggest things that they struggle with when it comes to managing a healthy smile. At Ricci Orthodontics, we’re passionate about making dental hygiene not only fun, but effortless for your […]

young girl wearing traditional braces

Healthy Gums & Teeth with Traditional Braces

When it comes to adjusting the alignment of teeth, nothing beats using traditional braces. Orthodontists like Dr. Steven Ricci can install traditional braces to create a functional system for correcting misaligned teeth. With time and consistent adjustments, the orthodontic components can gradually provide you with a more appealing smile. Corrected teeth are also at reduced […]

young girl on the way to straighten your smile with a set of orthodontic braces

Straighten Your Smile with a Set of Orthodontic Braces

Are your teeth out of alignment or crooked beyond belief? Do you suffer from a multitude of malocclusions, which are bad bites in your smile caused by teeth out of position? If so, straighten your smile with a set of orthodontic braces. Not only will your teeth look better, but they will also function much […]
