dental health

woman learns about the importance of dental work after the holidays

The Importance of Dental Work After the Holidays

The holidays present an opportunity for you and your loved ones to treat yourselves to some of your favorite meals. While a little indulgence is fine, eating a sugary diet for a prolonged period exposes your teeth to the risk of decay and gum disease. For this reason, seeking professional dental work at Ricci Ortho, GA, is […]

young girl learns why do orthodontists tighten braces

Why Tighten Braces?

Do you feel like your periodic visits to the orthodontist are an inconvenience? Are you constantly wondering why do orthodontists tighten braces? While these appointments may seem unnecessary, they are actually crucial to the success and effectiveness of your braces. Without these appointments, your braces will fail to shift your teeth properly, making the process […]
