Category Archives: Blog

Crooked teeth in adults

Causes and Treatment of Crooked Teeth in Adults

As we get older, we may look in the mirror and notice that our teeth are not nearly as straight as they once were. In many cases, this is normal because there are several reasons for crooked teeth in adults. Thankfully, while there are causes of crooked teeth, there are also several methods for correcting […]

Worst Candies to Eat with Braces

Top 5 Worst Candies To Avoid While Wearing Braces

As Halloween draws near, the temptation of all the delicious candy becomes too hard to resist. It’s the perfect time to indulge in some spooky treats and satisfy our sweet tooth. However, it’s important to remember to balance the fun of the season with taking care of our dental health. Taking a Halloween break from […]

How much do braces cost?

What Are the Costs of Braces?

A straight and beautiful smile can improve your confidence and oral health. For many people, braces are the key to achieving that dream smile. However, one common concern when considering orthodontic treatment is “How much do braces cost?”. In this blog post, Our orthodontist in Johns Creek will dive into the world of orthodontic treatment costs, exploring […]

How to Straighten Teeth Without Braces?

How to Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces?

Most people desire to have a beautiful smile with straight teeth, but traditional braces may not be a viable option for everyone. The commitment to a long-term treatment plan can be daunting for some. Fortunately, You can now straighten teeth without braces by considering options like Invisalign, readily available through your local orthodontist in Johns […]

Insurance Cover Braces

Does Insurance Cover Braces in Johns Creek? 5 Important Facts

Getting braces is a crucial decision given the cost that comes with it. This is why each patient needs to know the ways how to manage the cost of braces. If you are looking to get braces in Georgia and are wondering does insurance cover braces in Johns Creek, we will share with you some […]

wearing a retainer

Why Wearing a Retainer is Important—Everything You Need to Know

Orthodontic treatments can last anywhere from 12-36 months. After a consultation with your orthodontist in Johns Greek, they will either remove your braces, or you will no longer need to wear a new set of aligners. Your teeth are now in their new and improved position. But wearing a retainer is important because teeth tend […]

orthodontist in Cumming GA

How to Find the Best Orthodontist in Cumming GA: 7 Easy Tips

Looking for an orthodontist in Cumming GA is a crucial task. It is essential to determine what to look for when searching for an orthodontist. By following these seven easy tips, finding the best orthodontist in Cumming GA will be a breeze! Tip #1 – Check the doctor’s credentials. The first thing you should do […]

Invisalign in Suwanee

Invisalign in Suwanee: 6 Tips in Finding the Best Provider

If you’re considering Invisalign in Suwanee, you’ll want to find the best provider for your needs. Invisalign is a great way to achieve straighter teeth without the use of metal braces. However, not all Invisalign providers are created equal. Here are some tips on how to find the best Invisalign provider for you: #1 – […]

Diabetes and Periodontal Disease

Diabetes and Periodontal Disease: 3 Treatment Facts for You

Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease. It is a serious infection of the gums that can lead to tooth loss. There is a two-way link between diabetes and periodontal disease because high blood sugar levels can result in the development of gum disease in Johns Creek. In turn, gum disease can make […]

Teen Invisalign

How Long Teens Need to Wear Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular and efficient treatment for teens and adults. It’s a system of wearing clear aligners to gently move teeth into their desired positions. But how long does teen Invisalign treatment last? There are a few factors you need to know when it comes to the length of teen Invisalign treatment in Johns […]
