First Day With Braces

Braces are a tried-and-true method of straightening the teeth of kids, teenagers, and even adults. While many patients know what braces look like, they are often unsure about what to expect during their first days with braces. Below lists what patients can expect during their first days.


During the first days with braces, it is not uncommon for your teeth and gums to feel some slight tenderness or soreness. Over-the-counter pain relievers, like acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain medication, can be used to help with the tooth pain. Be aware that some, like aspirin or ibuprofen, slow down tooth movement and work against the braces. That said, during the first couple days, you could take one dose of Tylenol and Advil together to relieve any discomfort. After this, use Tylenol exclusively and only as needed. All discomfort should subside within the first week or two.


During treatment, it is not uncommon for braces to come loose. This may be an indicator that you need to pay better attention to the foods you are eating or the activities you are engaging in. Either way, do not worry, loose brackets are a simple fix and can be curbed by scheduling an appointment so that we can repair the bracket.


When it comes to deciding what foods will not harm your braces, common sense usually comes into play. While hard foods, like hard candy, can damage wires and brackets, sticky foods can get caught in between them. Food that is high in sugar, on the other hand, can accelerate tooth decay, which can be harder to correct with braces. Avoid all nail-biting and do not chew on foreign objects, like pens and pencils.


Here at Ricci Orthodontics, we believe you can chew gum with braces as long as the gum you choose has xylitol as its sweetener. Xylitol is a special sweetener that is known to prevent cavities. So, while chewing gum could possibly cause an occasional loose bracket, Dr. Steven Ricci believes the benefits outweigh any negative results. Today, xylitol-sweetened gum can be found in most supermarkets and at any convenience store.


Above all else, the most important part of orthodontic care is proper oral hygiene. Braces make it more difficult to brush and floss properly, so to make sure you are doing it right, consult our orthodontist and team.


Initially, receiving braces can seem like a big change, but your mouth and lifestyle will quickly adapt. If you have any questions about your first days with braces in Johns Creek, Georgia, don’t hesitate to contact Ricci Orthodontics at 678-417-9848 and arrange a visit with Dr. Steven Ricci.