Hawley Retainers

Achieving a straight smile takes time and money. From avoiding certain foods to numerous orthodontic appointments, gaining your new smile is an adventure. Once the braces come off, many patients feel free from the hardware. However, many don’t realize that their new smile still requires some attention. Hawley retainers are available at Ricci Orthodontics to help you maintain your brand new smile.


Hawley retainers work to accomplish the following for your smile:

  • Keep your teeth in their correct alignment
  • Prevent shifting from occurring
  • Maintain a beautiful, functional, and healthy smile

Hawley retainers are the most well-known type of removable retainer. This type of retainer is made of wires and clasps embedded in plastic or acrylic. This will then cover the roof of the mouth or lie along the tongue side of the teeth. The clasps keep your retainer in place, while the wire arching across the front of the teeth maintains the correct tooth alignment. Hawley retainers are easy to clean, and can last for years when cared for correctly. They also allow your teeth to meet in a normal, natural way, and can be easily adjusted by our orthodontist if necessary. To clean, run your retainer under cold water while brushing with a toothbrush and toothpaste. For a deeper clean and to prevent problems, soak your retainer in the mouthwash of your choice. This will work similar to when you rinse your own mouth out. Brushing should take place at least once a day while soaking can take place once every two weeks.

This type of retainer covers the roof of your mouth when worn in the upper arch. It may cause you to lisp when you begin wearing your retainer. This type of retainer is also more noticeable, with arches across the fronts of your teeth. Patients who take concern in their appearance may want to consider a different type of retainer to maintain their smile.


Before you can consider the type of retainer you need, you need braces. Ricci Orthodontics is proud to provide the Johns Creek, GA area with the following options for braces:

After braces, you have a decision to make regarding your retainers. Along with Hawley retainers, we also offer clear and permanent options. Our team will take your lifestyle, age, and needs into consideration before giving a recommendation regarding your retainer. To learn more about your options, reach out to the office of Ricci Orthodontics today. Call or text now at 678-417-9848 to speak with a team member. We look forward to helping you achieve the straight smile you want and deserve.